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I'll Fast with You: Host a Convert for Iftaar

Assalmu Alikum Beloved Brothers and Sisters,

Ramadan is a month of fasting and giving in the path of Allah SWT. We have been blessed with the opportunity to enjoy iftaar with our family and friends.

During this joyous month, we should not forget our Convert brothers and sisters. Let us welcome and open our doors for those who may not have family to celebrate with.

After signing up, the host will be matched with the person they will host to break fast with based on availability of both sides, and you will be given more information via email/text. It is up to both sides on where you want to meet up and break your fast together. You will be paired with someone according to availability, gender, age and proximity.

NOTE: If you would like to host and be hosted as well, please fill out this form for each scenario.

DEADLINE : May 31st, 2018 ( Please sign up as early as possible so we can work on the matching process asap!)

Let's bring the community together this Ramadan by sharing this holy month with our convert brothers and sisters!

If you have any questions, please email:

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